Thursday, August 03, 2006

I am taking sick leave

I have a little bug. It feels like a little furry animal curled up tight inside my head, stirring occasionaly and weeping softly. Her tears come out of my nose and make my own eyes ache. I carry her with me to job interviews, sedating her with little blue pills that make me dumb.

I am getting good at talking about myself now, I almost can't feel it.

A call centre for a financial services company? How will I ever remember all the things about things I don't care much for?
How could I ever care enough? Or maybe that is just how one copes.

Oh look, a distraction!


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm... snot. My one and only constant since February 8th, 2006. Who knew that an innocent bus trip from Sevilla to Madrid would result in a cold so comprehensive that it is heading into its seventh month with no signs of running dry. I am a medical miracle. And I think I need a nice strong cup of tea. With you. So we can wallow in mucus-drenched misery.

Kay Adams said...

What a beautiful way to describe your bug. I liked reading this.

Nanashi Travelling said...

dear jen... i hope you feel better soon...
from leigh

richardwatts said...


Nanashi Travelling said...


oh and ı remember that ıts your bırthday.... and ı love you and ı mıss you and ım ın turkey wıth caıtlın and ı got you present and ı love you and ı mıss you and ı thınk you the most specıalıst gırl ın the whole wıde world... ın the beıge unıverse even...

(jen happy bırthday!!! love you lots!!! love caıtlın)

adn your really pretty and you shoould (Leıghis drunk<)


dear jen.

happy bırthday

from leıgh

and thats all ı need to say...

apart from ı mıss you and ı love you and happy bırthday my darlıng one...

oh the hell wıth ıt all