Friday, February 17, 2006

Breakfast with Champions

I've been doing some thinking. Thinking I might take a left turn. Might not go back to uni this year, might get a healthy 9-5 job for a bit. Save up some real monies and go for a wander.

Had breakfast at Montsalvat with Luke yesterday morning. He talks of watercolours, concept bands and novel ideas. I let him wear my sunglasses, makes him look like Kurt Cobain at first, then a regular beatnik and then Warhol. Then he stops talking and actually starts writing his first chapter. Gets his guitar fixed and starts packing the watercolours to take to the Grampians. And I'm coming too, we're heading to the Grampians for a few days, leaving Tuesday...I could make another attempt with charcoal, probably appropriate, but somehow it always ends up a smudgy black cloud...No, things are a little different now.


BEVIS said...

Monsalvat? Really?

Djali said...

Well, no actually, not really, that was a lie. Did go to this other place though, you might have heard of it, called Montsalvat.

BEVIS said...

Ah, I know the one you mean. Yes. Many people try to pass it off as Monsalvat, but as you see, cleverdicks like me can see straight through them.


(No, what I meant was: Is that the one in Eltham? Or am I thinking of the wrong place entirely?)

Djali said...

Yes, the one in Eltham, I did not know there were others. I live in Eltham, but don't tell too many people please, I'm a bit uncomfortable with it myself.