Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Blurry weekend

Got a little bit drunk with workmates on Friday afternoon, a good start.
Dragged Cara with me a whole three blocks from her house to Adam and Dell's opening. Everyone was very good looking, the beer was cheap and the art was a brilliant celebration of dreamy love and sleep which is just what I need. Kim arrived with not one but TWO pretty ladies who we joined again later at Bar Open. We also went to Shingles because apparently "that's where singles meet" and took photos of ourselves smoking. Also, one of Anna's friends thinks she might have shingles.

Can't do this anymore

Went to Kim, Nathan and Casey's house for a party on a Saturday night that didn't seem to ever end.
Here is a picture of me enjoying a tumbler of Sacred Hill Cabernet Merlot.

nicely toasted

I collapsed at what i thought was a sensible hour, 5am, and got up to go home at 10.30am to find the psytrance still pulsating through my body and beyond. I think their neighbours must have died in the night.

Simon and Stasia introduced me to a rather quaint little game called spots. Yes, perhaps we should just hot-knife EVERYTHING from now on.
Went to see Pat's play at Dante's on Sunday. There was a lot of offal on stage. There was also a lot of talk and immitation of necrophylia, but hey, that's cool. Pat was quite convincing as a sex crazed taxidermist, hmmm...

Blog is strarting to resemble a shopping list interspersed with video clips... might stop there and come back when I have more time to think of something substantial.


dell said...

thankyou for coming miss.

sublime-ation said...

Spots on!

Sherriff said...

That's a very good tumbler.

Djali said...

Ar Dell, it was such a pleasure. Wish I had the guts to hang around longer and say more but the shyness kills my brain and speech processes a bit and I was afraid of boring you on your big night. Loved the show, particularly enjoyed the fort of cushions. Had to fight a lot of small children in there to get a look at the animations. Great! All the best with everything most bright and colourful lady.

Hey Sub, welcome back!
And thanks Sherriff, I believe that might be quite a compliment coming from you. Cheers!