Monday, November 28, 2005

This is for Simon O

Not too long ago AC/DC Lane was mentioned in conversation at Rue Bebelons. I forget why, All I remember is that I interupted with something about bloggers and Knifey and then someone might have interupted me with something sarcastic like "Boggers? Ha!". Or maybe they didn't and maybe everyone just sat there silently while I banged on with "Did you know, that according to Knifey, stencils are out and post-ups are the next big thing to hit the backstreets?!" And then maybe a tumble weed rolled past.

Well Simon O, I thought you might be interested, so here's Knifey!


Anonymous said...

I am awed by your l33t html skills

Anonymous said...

Yes, Jen am 1337zor!

dell said...

my favourite thing from knifey. good huh.

knifey said...

i love you, and your crazy-ass broadsword traffic counter.