Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Diana of the Hunt

A quiet weekend. Mum showed me the Koran of diet books, the CSIRO diet. I've been trying it for fun. It's been three days now, but I'm finding it hard to keep up, I just can't eat that much. Also you are only allowed two glasses of wine a week. Mum says she'll be going by her own interpretation. Dad's interpretation seems to be something along the lines of replacing allowed food units with units of wine. Says he's been feeling very good lately.

Apart from observing this new religion I've been pretty sensisble lately.

But then somebody threw a pizza at my car on Friday night while I was working. A blatant personal attack that rocked my sensibilities somewhat.

On Saturday while washing the pizza off my car Leigh and Kim turned up. We sat in the sun drinking tea and observed how once again we were not at Meredith. We discussed Lily's film, her general brilliance at everything and how she is "one to watch" according to The Age (Lily, we are watching you). The issue of a cat outshinning us in life was also brought up but not elaborated on.

Leigh reckons he'll start a Mediocrity Club.
I wrote the manifesto:
One must not achieve...Much

But Leigh says I can't join. Nice guy.

I had dinner at Cara's mum's house. Mad and Simon O came too. We all got to hear Cara's voice for the first time in a long time. Hello Cara. One day of undergraduatness left hey? Congratulations, most smart and accomplished cookie X.

Was working for the boss on Sunday again. He had a Christmas party for his family at the bar. His aunty is Elaine McInnon, so I kept my eyes open, but saw no famous people. So I broke a latte glass, somebody yelled, "taxi!", boss yelled, "centrelink!", and I got scared.

The boys came round again and took my mind away from such dark possibilities. We saw Harry Potter. I didn't understand much but it did make me go blank for a bit. CGI overdose. And I wanted to hear more about the dragons. Apparently, there are books to read and 3 more movies to be watched. I guess I was a little under researched for the subject.

Highlight of the weekend: A possum kissed my toe.

When the movie was over Kim found a wand and picked it up.
I lit a cigarette and we all saw something move in the distance. Something rat-like in the carpark. It was my mission to touch it. The boys stood back, I was fearless. Kim yelled "No, be careful!" and the rat turned into a baby ringtail possum.
Leigh warned, "Those things can be vicious."
I called over my shoulder, "Don't worry, I've done this before."

And the possum kissed my toe.


Anonymous said...

Upon reflection I agree with you about the possum, if not the high-light of the weekend, then at least really really cool.

Did you end up making a decision about new years? I guess we'd have to buy tickets soonish, and Love Outside Andromeda are awesome. Then again, it'd be crowded(duh) and it's $50, mmmm drinking money.

I just found out that Nick Cave's brother is Tim Cave- and he's the Director of Major Projects for Corrections Victoria. Its very funny cause I just saw "Ghosts of the Civil Dead" with Nick in it. See it and you too will get the joke

Djali said...

Ooh Nick Cave just keeps on giving doesn't he. Now he's giving off talented siblings?

Rob Roy's looking more likely to me*. Simon reckons he might come along with a few of his friends. Will know in a day or two and then yes, let's buy tickets. I know $50, even if it include beer is steep but I just can't do another night at Bar Open, at least let's go up the road a bit.

*Again, one for the stalkers. Yes all -1 of you but I keep hoping. And Jess you're very sweet but it doesn't count if you are the gig.

Anonymous said...

The way I figure it is that we get somewhere to spend the countdown bit, then we can bugger off to Brads or down the street. Whatever, plus I want to hear LOAs new material. I'm not really 100% about the whole Rob Roy thing, but I have very low expectations for having actual 'fun' on new years.

Djali said...

No. I love new years. I'll call you tonight.